
The following are genuine comments from our clients.

Many thanks and hope it all goes well while I am away (again). I have full confidence this trip away and have no regrets leaving my business in your good hands. You never make any pigs ears and I am grateful for all the wonderful help you give me.
I will be delighted to let you put my name to my comments. I am basically delighted!
Jacqui Baggeley
Trinity Therapies, Edinburgh

Been getting some excellent feedback off my patients about the service. They all say how polite and helpful the person they speak to is. I have also noticed the benefits just from the number of new patients I seem to be picking up now- I'm sure its because they get through to someone straight away. Thanks I'm really chuffed!
Helen Brown

Realtime Reception’s service is the ideal solution for me. The patients like talking to ‘real’ people instead of my garbled answer-phone messages. It actually feels less like I'm working for myself much more now and spending much less time chasing answer messages from irate people who are desperate to obtain an appointment with me. I am really impressed so far and I hope things continue to pick up too. I intend to advertise weekly soon in the local press to increase my practice.
Mandy Brookes